About the organizational unit



In the Internal Audit Unit, work is performed in accordance with international standards for internal auditing, testing, testing and evaluation of data and information, monitoring the functioning of the internal control system, reporting on the results, giving and monitoring recommendations that ensure that internal and management controls are in function, identification, assessment and risk management for the purposes of developing strategic and annual internal audit plans, tasks of adopting a strategic internal audit plan for three years, on the basis of which annual plans are drawn up, as well as individual audit plans approved by the director, no later than the end of the current year for next year, monitoring the economic, efficient and effective use of resources, safeguarding the Service's funds from losses as a result of all types of irregularities, as well as safeguarding the integrity and credibility of information, accounts and data, including internal and external reporting processes. The Internal Audit Unit is obliged to cooperate with the Institutional Audit Office in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Central Harmonization Unit (CHJ) and provide them with the necessary information and data..



            Belma Begovac, assistant director

Phone + 387 33 586 384